IMAGEN Proposal and Data Access Policy

To gain access to IMAGEN Data all researchers must submit a proposal. This is circulated to the IMAGEN Consortium for them to provide feedback on the proposal. This is to ensure there are no overlapping proposals. 

The following Links lead to an instruction how a Proposal has to be written and the Proposal itself and also the Data Access Policy

The IMAGEN Dataset

The IMAGEN database contains data collected and processed by the Imagen consortium from over 2000 adolescents and their parents. It includes demographics, neuropsychological assessments, medical questionnaires, MR neuroimaging and genomics. Data have been collected over a period of 10 years in 8 recruitment centers and over 4 successive time points: baseline at age 14 (BL), follow-up 1 at age 16 (FU1), follow-up 2 at age 19 (FU2) and follow-up 3 at age 23 (FU3).


Access Data and Software

To access the IMAGEN database, please refer to the data access policy (link to PDF). To gain access to IMAGEN Data, all researchers must submit a proposal (link to proposal) to The proposal is circulated to the IMAGEN Consortium for their feedback. This is to ensure that there are no overlapping projects.  After proposal is accepted, data is accessible through SFTP under s

We have written specific software and scripts for data collection, quality control, processing and publishing. We have published and maintain most of recent software in GitHub.

We have stored in Github:

Basic demographics variables

Basic demographic variables are scattered across questionnaires and other tabular data.

Since this is a longitudinal study, age cannot be associated to subjects but to specific assessments. Age in days at assessment is available in most questionnaires.

The sex of subjects is also scattered in a handful variables across tabular data. In some cases these variables are inconsistent. We have investigated these cases with precious help from recruitment centres and created a reference table (available from s

Note that participant 000015439849 moved between BL and FU2, hence data from FU2 and on have been acquired in a different acquisition centre than the initial inclusion centre.

  • 000001283761, 000006000160 000001939282, 000029580680, 000005683533, 000074247248, 000012988699, 000054713646, 000018931943, 000067854391 ,000019767938, 000055465932 ,000021729241, 000096466079 ,000024686194, 000054678674 ,000026629318, 000093535053 ,000032899225, 000075760021 ,000033116784, 000084828767 ,000037821661, 000065084605 ,000042288666, 000072198640, 000051387606, 000081351807 ,000052713040, 000062252904 ,000056673014, 000087495487 ,000056896962, 000099550415 ,000059625999, 000067955800 ,000068049177, 000084838602 ,000070675464, 000083037309