The IMAGEN Research project
we examine how biological, psychological, and environmental factors during adolescence may influence brain development and mental health.

We use brain imaging and genetics, the project will help develop prevention strategies and improved therapies for mental health disorders in the future.
The project has been initially funded by the European Commission, and has subsequently received funding from various agencies including the European Research Council (ERC), Medical Research Council (MRC), National Institute for Health Research UK (NIHR), Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), German Federal Ministry of Research & Education (BMBF), National Institute for Health Research US (NIHR) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The IMAGEN project spans 8 sites across 4 EU countries; UK, Germany, France and Ireland.
Our Centres:
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How you’ve helped
The IMAGEN study is unique as it is the largest longitudinal brain imaging and genetics study in adolescents worldwide. This allows researchers to detect relationships between the brain, genetics and behaviour, which smaller studies are unable to. This wouldn’t happen without our participants coming back for follow up assessments. We would like to sincerely thank you for giving up your time to be part of the study. Without the admirable contribution of each participant the IMAGEN study would not be successful. But what has the IMAGEN study achieved so far with this huge amount of data?
Since the IMAGEN study commenced, the collected data have led to important scientific breakthroughs in our understanding of the development of the teenage mind and behaviour. As an IMAGEN participant, your contribution has allowed us gain a greater understanding into how addictive disorders and other mental health issues develop and may, in turn, help us develop treatments tailored to individual’s needs. To date the IMAGEN study has been responsible for publishing a large number of research papers in some of the world’s top academic journals. See the “Research” section for some important findings that have come about due to your participation in the IMAGEN study.
Photos: Tristram Lett (Github.com/trislett)