The Mannheim IMAGEN Team
Scientific Director Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology
Medical Director of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents and Deputy Director of the ZI
Head of the Psychobiology Working Group on Emotional Learning Processes.
Scientific Assistant
Telephone: +49 (621) 1703 6074
Email: stefan.heintz@zi-mannheim.de
Twitter: @ IMAGENStudy
Facebook: IMAGEN Facebook
The Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim was established on April 8, 1975 as a state foundation under public law with funds from the federal government, the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Volkswagen foundation. The structure forms an extremely efficient and exemplary link between health care, research and teaching.
The tasks of the Central Institute for Mental Health include inpatient, partial inpatient and outpatient care for mentally ill people of all ages. The in-house clinics offer progressive treatment based on international knowledge in their respective fields. As a globally recognized center of modern psychiatry, the Central Institute for Mental Health provides outstanding achievements in science in cooperation with national and international institutions - right in the heart of the square city of Mannheim.
Research is carried out into the development, course and treatment of mental illnesses - from depression, ADHD and addictive behavior to schizophrenia, dementia or phobias. The Central Institute for Mental Health at the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University performs the tasks of the university clinics in its specialist areas. It represents teaching and research in the fields of psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and addiction research.
In addition, courses are offered for students of statistics, life sciences, law, psychology and pharmacology.